Certified Data Center Risk Professional (CDRP®) – English (exam incl.)

Certified Data Center Risk Professional (CDRP®) – English (exam incl.) (partnercourse)

  • Duration

    2 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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Data centres are at the core of many organisations. Downtime of applications or the data centre itself could lead to major direct and indirect losses to the business. This has led many organisations to build resilience at various levels such as at the data center infrastructure and at the ICT layer. Fact is that most companies are either overspending – or underspending due to the fact that they have no idea what the cost of downtime is per application and/or the data centre itself.

Without knowing the cost of downtime it would be impossible to determine what level of investment is justified to mitigate the risks of downtime. For this reason many data centres have been built at a potentially Tier-4 level as per the TIA-942, where, as from a business perspective, a Tier-3 level would have been sufficient.

Risk management is the process to identify vulnerabilities and associated threats, to be followed by estimating the level of risk that they may face and how they might impact the organization if these risks were to emerge. Based on international standards (ISO/IEC27001:2005) and guidelines (ISO/IEC 27005:2011, NIST 800-30, ISO/IEC 31000/31010), this course is designed to teach you about to the overall risk management process.
Focus of this course is on both the data centre infrastructure and the physical data centre facility and equipment. You will learn how to identify and quantify risks in your organisation, creating the ability to reduce the risk to a level acceptable for the organization to allow them to make sound investment decisions based on facts rather than emotions. CDRP is a must for every organisation that wants to manage their risk without overspending.

Our data centre Certifications are worldwide accredited by EXIN. The training is conducted in collaboration with EPI Training. On the last day of the course you will take the Exin exam to obtain your data center certificate. This certificate is recognized worldwide and valid for three years. Are you participating in this course virtually? Or are you unable to come to the location on the last day? Then you will receive an exam voucher for an online exam that you can schedule yourself. The cost of the exam is included in the course fee.


  • Understand the different standards and methodologies for risk management and assessment
  • Establish the required project team for risk management
  • Perform the risk assessment identifying current threats, vulnerabilities and the potential impact based on customized threat catalogues
  • Report on the current risk level of the data centre both quantitative and qualitative
  • Anticipate and minimizing potential financial impacts
  • Understand the options for handling risk
  • Continuously monitor and review the status of data center risk present
  • Reduce the frequency and magnitude of incidents
  • Detect and respond to events when they occur
  • Meet regulatory and compliance requirements
  • Support certification processes such as ISO/IEC 27001:2005
  • Support overall corporate and IT governance

Target audience

The primary audience for this course is an IT, Facilities or data centre Operations professional working in and around the data centre (representing both end-customers and/or service provider/facilitators) and having responsibility to achieve and improve high availability and manageability of the data centre. Some examples are (but not limited to): Data Centre Managers, Operations / Floor / Facility Managers, IT Managers, Information Security Managers, Security professionals, Auditors / Risk Managers / Professionals responsible for IT/corporate governance.


While there are no specific requirements for this course, participants with at least three years of actual experience in data centre and/or IT infrastructures is recommended.

Onderstaande voorkennis wordt beschouwd als een pre:

Certified Data Center Professional – CDCP® (incl. examen) of vergelijkbare kennis.


This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: bring a laptop/tablet without restrictions to the course.



  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Data Centre Risk and Impact
  • Cost factors in downtime
  • Standards, Guidelines and Methodologies
  • Risk Management Definitions
  • Risk Treatment
  • Risk Monitoring and Review
  • Risk scenarios

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Certified Data Center Risk Professional (CDRP®) - English (exam incl.)

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        Cursus: Certified Data Center Risk Professional (CDRP®) - English (exam incl.)



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          Cursus: Certified Data Center Risk Professional (CDRP®) - English (exam incl.)

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