Certified Datacenter Specialist – CDCS® (exam incl.) (English)

Certified Datacenter Specialist – CDCS® (exam incl.) (English) (partnercourse)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
  • Location

  • Schedule

    Planning ophalen...
  • Classroom


During this 3-day CDCS course we delve deeper into the technology of, among other things, power supply, cooling, cabling and (fire) protection. The course is in collaboration with EPI, the world standard for data center services.

Our Datacenter Certifications are worldwide accredited by EXIN. The training is conducted in collaboration with EPI Training. On the last day of the course you will take the Exin exam to obtain your data center certificate. This certificate is recognized worldwide and valid for three years. Are you participating in this course virtually? Or are you unable to come to the location on the last day? You will then receive an exam voucher for an online exam that you can schedule yourself. The cost of the exam is included in the course.


  • Gain insight into the activities in and around a data center and the choices made with regard to current and future needs. Our goal is to ensure that you are a certified data center specialist after three days.

Target audience

This course is suitable for IT and Facility professionals and for anyone who works in and around a data center.


Certified Data Center Professional – CDCP® (exam incl.) (English) of vergelijkbare kennis.
Participants must have completed the Certified Datacenter Professional (CDCP) and successfully completed the CDCP exam prior to this course.


This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin-reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: bring a laptop/tablet without restrictions to the course.


  • Datacenter Design / Life-Cycle Overview
  • Tier Levels
  • Overwegingen en standaarden met betrekking tot gebouwen
  • Verhoogde vloeren en verlaagde plafonds (advanced)
  • Geavanceerde stroomvoorziening
  • Electromagnetische velden (advanced)
  • Geavanceerde koeling
  • Geavanceerde brandbeveiliging
  • Kabel management
  • Omgevingsregelgeving
  • Datacenter efficiëntie

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Certified Datacenter Specialist - CDCS® (exam incl.) (English)

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        Cursus: Certified Datacenter Specialist - CDCS® (exam incl.) (English)



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          Cursus: Certified Datacenter Specialist - CDCS® (exam incl.) (English)

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            Certified Datacenter Specialist - CDCS® (exam incl.) (English)

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