Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) – e-learning

Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) – e-learning

  • Duur

    365 dagen
  • Prijs

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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  • Lesvorm


We offer you the following benefits for this Mile2 course:

  • This e-learning includes an exam.
  • The material is accessible 365 days after activation.
  • The exam voucher is valid 365 days after activation.

The Certified Professional Ethical Hacker vendor neutral certification course is the foundational training to mile2’s line of penetration testing courses.

The CPEH certification training enables students to understand the importance of vulnerability assessments by providing industry knowledge and skills in Vulnerability Assessments. In doing so, the CPEH student can understand how malware and destructive viruses’ function. In addition, the CPEH course helps students learn how to implement counter response and preventative measures when it comes to a network hack.

The CPEH course provides in-depth labs that focus on both open source and commercial based tools with industry best practices. These hands-on labs emulate real world hacking scenarios and equip the candidate to assess your company’s security posture, help implement controls to better secure your company’s network infrastructure and how to combat against hackers and/or viruses, etc.

This e-learning is in English


  • Upon completion, the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker candidate will be able to competently take the CPEH exam.


Information System Owners, Security Officers, Ethical Hackers, Information Owners, Penetration Testers, System Owner and Managers, Cyber Security Engineers.


  • 12 months of IT security experience

  • 12 months of Networking Experience


  • Module 1 – Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • Module 2 – Linux Fundamentals
  • Module 3 – Protocols
  • Module 4 – Cryptography
  • Module 5 – Password Cracking
  • Module 6 – Malware
  • Module 7 – Security Devices
  • Module 8 – Information Gathering-Passive Reconnaissance
  • Module 9 – Social Engineering
  • Module 10 – Active Reconnaissance
  • Module 11 – Vulnerability Assessment
  • Module 12 – Network Attacks
  • Module 13 – Hacking Servers
  • Module 14 – Hacking Web Technologies
  • Module 15 – Hacking Wireless Technologies
  • Module 16 – Maintaining Access and Covering

Planning & Prijs

Alle prijzen zijn excl. BTW.
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Cursus: Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) - e-learning

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        ervaringen verzameld via Logo Springtest

        Lucienne Groenendaal

        Secretarieel medewerkster

        "Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid."


        Ariana Scheepers

        "De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer."


        Eric Pos

        Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort

        "Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan."

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        Cursus: Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) - e-learning



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          Cursus: Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) - e-learning

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            Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) - e-learning

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