Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor – CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English)

Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor – CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English) (partnercourse)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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The CTLA® is a 3-day course designed to provide the knowledge and skills to become a lead auditor who is able to independently conduct ANSI/TIA-942 conformity audits. The course contains lectures and a variety of business cases testing the aspiring auditor for his/her auditing capabilities. Lead auditors will determine the conformity or nonconformity of a data center to the requirements of the ANSI/TIA-942. As such, the examination is one of the toughest exams in the data center industry.


  • Describe the ANSI/TIA-942 audit scheme
  • Describe the different certification programs
  • Define an ANSI/TIA-942 audit program
  • Review design drawings for conformity to the standard
  • Judge audit evidence to be a CAT-1, CAT-2, OFI, RFI
  • Create an audit report that conforms to TIA requirements
  • Review a CAR – Corrective Action Report
  • Understand the requirements and process for issuing certificates
  • Describe the requirements for certification maintenance

Target audience

The audience for this course is any professional who aspires to become a TIA-942 Lead Auditor. Please note that the CTLA certification does not allow the person to conduct a third-party audit and issue statements/letters/certificates unless he/she works for a TIA Accredited Licensed Certification Body and meets the other obligations as laid down in the auditor accreditation rules of TIA.


Participants must possess these TWO valid certificates:
1) A valid CTDC (Certified TIA-942 Design Consultant certificate) AND 2) A valid CTIA (Certified TIA-942 Internal Auditor certificate) OR a valid ISO-9001 OR a valid ISO-27001 Lead Auditor Certificate.


This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: bring a laptop/tablet without restrictions to the course.


  • TIA-942 Accreditation Scheme
  • Audit and Certification Process
  • Audit Planning
  • Rating Levels Audit Criteria
  • Recap on Nonconformity Classification
  • Site Location & Architectural Audit
  • Fire Safety Audit
  • Physical Security Audit
  • Electrical Audit
  • Mechanical Audit
  • Telecommunications Audit
  • Closing Meeting
  • Preparing and Distributing the Audit Report
  • CAR Management
  • Certification and Certification Maintenance

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor - CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English)

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        Cursus: Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor - CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English)



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          Cursus: Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor - CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English)

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            Certified TIA-942 Lead Auditor - CTLA® (exam and business case incl.) (English)

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