Data Center Foundation Certificate – DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

Data Center Foundation Certificate – DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher) (partnercourse)

  • Duur

    365 dagen
  • Prijs

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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This E-learning course is delivered in English. The accompanying e-book is also in English.

EPI-Academy delivers E-learning by the EPI Training-On-Demand (TOD) platform where you can watch data centre and IT management online video courses anytime, anywhere and on any device. These are the same courses that have been attended by thousands of professionals in the IT and data centre industry from all over the world. TOD enables you to easily fit training into your busy schedule. Each module is 10-20 minutes only and easy to understand.

The components of the TOD package:
– Online training access to the course on EPI Academy for 12 months.
– Exam Anywhere (remote proctored) voucher is valid for 12 months.
– E-book, which is licensed to you. It has no expiry date and can be printed after download.


  • Obtain the Data Centre Foundation Certificate (DCFC).


The audience for this course is anyone who wants to acquire foundation level knowledge on data centre infrastructure. This course is ideally suited for data centre new hires, internal data centre support staff, IT support staff who work in the data centre, helpdesk staff, vendors/suppliers who install/maintain data centre equipment, building maintenance staff including data centre cleaners and other supporting functions, and fresh graduates. This course is also well suited for individuals working in data centre business support functions such as sales/pre-sales, HR, Finance and business administration.


There is no pre-requisite for this course.


This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: use a laptop/tablet without restrictions for the course.


  • Introduction to Data Centres
  • The Data Centre and its Relation to Business
  • Data Centre Standards
  • Data Centre Site Selection
  • Data Centre Facilities Areas
  • Topology Designs
  • Components of the Power Infrastructure
  • Lights
  • Cooling Infrastructure
  • ICT/Network Infrastructure
  • Data Centre Security
  • Fire Suppression
  • Monitoring and reporting

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Cursus: Data Center Foundation Certificate - DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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        Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenIk ga akkoord met de privacy voorwaarden


        ervaringen verzameld via Logo Springtest

        Lucienne Groenendaal

        Secretarieel medewerkster

        "Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid."


        Ariana Scheepers

        "De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer."


        Eric Pos

        Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort

        "Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan."

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        Cursus: Data Center Foundation Certificate - DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)



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          Cursus: Data Center Foundation Certificate - DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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            Data Center Foundation Certificate - DCFC e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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