Docker Fundamentals (English)

Docker Fundamentals (English)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
  • Location

  • Schedule

    Planning ophalen...
  • Classroom


This course is guaranteed to start and therefore will always take place.

Docker is quickly becoming the de-facto standard to operate containerized applications at scale in the data-center. This course covers the fundamentals needed to understand Docker and Kubernetes and get quickly up-to-speed, to start building distributed applications that will scale, be fault-tolerant and simple to manage. From understanding its origin, to its high-level architecture, powerful API and key primitives.

The three day Docker for Linux course introduces the container lifecycle, the use of registries, the Docker hub, building Dockerfiles, building images, the use of storage and networking and an introduction to Kubernetes.


  • The three day course will get you quickly up to speed with theory and hands-on exercises with Docker.

Target audience

Developers and system administrators who want to learn how to use Docker.


Linux Infrastructure of vergelijkbare kennis.
Linux/UNIX Fundamentals (English) of vergelijkbare kennis.
Linux Infrastructure or comparable knowledge is required.


This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. This course is delivered i.c.w. the open source gurus of AT Computing.


  • Docker introduction
    • Short introduction of all relevant Docker components
  • Container lifecycle
    • About containers: naming, startup and termination, current state, copy to/from, removal.
  • Registries
    • About registries: image revisions, terminology and hierarchy,
    • Docker hub push/pull.
  • Image layering
    • Image layering, Image metadata, creation, layering, view, differences, removal, packing.
  • Dockerfile
    • How to build Dockerfiles: instructions that can be used in Dockerfiles.
  • Image building
    • Best practices when building images. Many build examples.
  • Storage
    • Use of volumes, directory/file sharing.
  • Networking
    • Docker bridge, network types, use of host/container/user-defined networks, port publishing, intercontainer traffic.
  • Monitoring and debugging
    • Miscellaneous debugging and monitoring possibilities.
  • Docker swarm
    • Setup of swarm, services, replica’s, managing nodes, rolling updates, routing mesh
  • Compose stacks
    • Managing stacks, compose files, yaml syntax.
  • Introduction Kubernetes

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Docker Fundamentals (English)

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        Cursus: Docker Fundamentals (English)



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            Docker Fundamentals (English)

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