Java 21 Programming Language – part 2 (English)

Java 21 Programming Language – part 2 (English)

  • Duration

    5 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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    Planning ophalen...
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In this 5-day course, Java 21 Programming Language – Part 2, we cover the most commonly used APIs, such as the Stream API, the Collection Framework, concurrency, Input/Output, and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Advanced class designs such as inner classes, record classes, sealed classes, and enums will be discussed. Regarding exception handling, we will cover Automatic Resource Management, and of course, we will also address the latest Java 21 features, such as Sequenced Collections, Virtual Threads, and Record Patterns.

Attend the course with an instructor: in-class.

Study at your own pace: Vijfhart-Flex.


  • In this course, we cover advanced Java topics in a practical manner, preparing you to work with Java in real-world scenarios. Together with the course Java 21 Programming Language – Part 1, this course is a good preparation for the Java SE 21 Developer Professional Exam 1Z0-830.

Target audience

This course is for Java developers who already have knowledge of Java at the level of the Java Programming Language Part 1 course and who want to learn more about the advanced capabilities of Java.


Java 21 Programming Language – part 1 (English) of vergelijkbare kennis.
Some work experience with Java.


  • Module 1 – Java Fundamentals
    • The method hashCode()
    • Design patterns
    • Lambda expressions
    • Method references
    • Enums
    • Inner classes
  • Module 2 – Generics and collecties
    • Generics
    • Collections
      • SequencedCollection
  • Module 3 – Streams
    • Abstraction of iterations
    • Creating a stream
    • Lazy stream methods
    • Terminal Stream methods
    • Parallell streams
  • Module 4 – Exceptions
    • Exception classes for the exam
    • Multi catch
    • Automatic Resource Management (ARM)
  • Module 5 – Localization
    • Locale
    • NumberFormat
    • Resource bundles
  • Module 6 – Java Concurrency
    • Parallel processes
    • Creating threads
    • The Executor framework
    • Shared resources
    • Synchronizers
    • Common thread problems
    • Virtual Threads
  • Module 7 – Java I/O Fundamentals and NIO.2
    • The File class
    • Streams
    • Console
    • Serialization
    • NIO/NIO2
  • Module 8 – JDBC
    • Databases, tables and SQL
    • The JDBC API
    • The JDBC URL
  • Module 9 – Modules: services and migration
    • Services
    • Migration
    • Cyclic dependencies
  • Module 10 – Record classes and sealed classes
    • Record classes
      • Record patterns
    • Sealed classes

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Java 21 Programming Language - part 2 (English)

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        Cursus: Java 21 Programming Language - part 2 (English)



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            Java 21 Programming Language - part 2 (English)

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