Red Hat Certified Specialist in Building Resilient Microservices (EX328) – Kiosk exam (partnercursus) Opslaan als favoriet Deel deze pagina Printen Duur ½ dag Prijs € 530,- 8,9 Reviews 1000+ reviews Planning Planning ophalen... Schrijf je direct in Meer informatie Brochure downloaden The Red Hat Certified Specialist in Building Resilient Microservices exam (EX328) tests your skills and knowledge with regard to creating and managing a resilient mesh of microservices, using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. The exam focuses on the basic skills required to use Red Hat Service Mesh to configure and manage the resilient operation of an application composed of several microservices with a persistent data store. With the KIOSK exam voucher you can schedule your exam. You take the exam online at a location of your choosing or at the location of a Red Hat Partner. You are eligible for one exam retake if you are unsuccessful on your first attempt. Doel By passing this exam, you become a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Building Resilient Microservices, which also counts toward earning a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA®) certification. Doelgroep The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Building Resilient Microservices credential: Administrators or architects in a DevOps role who are responsible for managing a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment Administrators or architects in a DevOps role who are responsible for implementing a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment Application developers who are responsible for managing multiple microservices or supporting an existing group of microservices on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Voorkennis The prerequisites for this exam are a working knowledge of Red Hat OpenShift applications such as that provided by the Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications (DO288) and Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (DO328) courses. Specifically, candidates for this exam should able to use Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to: Create and work with multiple Red Hat OpenShift projects Deploy applications Work with container images Work with Kubernetes resources written in either JSON or YAML format Understand the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) Bijzonderheden Deze cursus wordt verzorgd i.s.m. een van onze partners. Persoonlijk advies? Dejan de Gooijer accountmanager T. 026 - 791 10 65 E. Onderwerpen As part of this exam, you should be able to perform these tasks: Understand and work with Red Hat Openshift Service Mesh Custom Resources Deploy and configure applications on Service Mesh: Install sidecar manually in pod applications Automatic sidecar injection using annotations Understand the configuration of network policies (Mesh members, external services, etc.) Work with request routing and traffic management. Be able to configure static and dynamic request routing to different versions of an application Understand the deployment/release pattern strategies that Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh® can help with, providing more complex operational functionality, including A/B testing and canary releases Configure and manage advanced routing techniques to control the flow and API calls between services Traffic shifting migration within the mesh producing between different services A/B testing, canary rollouts, and staged rollouts with percentage-based traffic splits, and dark launches for a selective group of users Take profit of the traffic mirroring capabilities to bring changes to the microservices. Be able to produce shadowing launches copying the live traffic Send the inbound and outbound traffic from and to the mesh, managing the ingress and egress traffic control policies Define and control gateway entry points into the mess for the incoming traffic allowing pass requests through the services Enable controlled access to external publicly accessible services from within the istio cluster Be able to configure the network resilience and the fault tolerance dynamically at runtime to ensure the failing nodes and prevent localized failures from cascading Control the waiting time for replies defining timeouts Enhance service availability specifying the number of request attempts with retry strategies Limit for calls within a service and prevent access to an overloaded or failing host applying a circuit breaker mechanism Specify the connection and ejection pool policies configuring the load balancing destination rules Work and configure Service Mesh policy checks Define enforcement features through policies, configure local and global rate limiting, and define access quotas Enable and configure the authorization for denial and allow policies applied to a workload Understand and configure the workload-to-workload communication using the implemented architecture for authentication and authorization security in Service Mesh Provide service-to-service communication with secure naming authorization Tunnel the service-to-service communication using mutual TLS communication. Map the identity of the service name with secure naming Define peer authentication policies to enforce the mutual TLS mode Define the required end-user authentication policy check. Define and configure access authorization rules for service and end-user to workload communications Understand and work with the fault injection mechanisms to introduce errors and chaos testing into the system to test the failure recovery capacity of the applications Inject timing failures producing delays to mimic increased network latency or overloaded services Produce crash failures with error response injections and TCP connection failures Planning & Prijs * *Een cursus met start gegarandeerd. *Een cursus met valt onder de actie Summer Academy. Alle prijzen zijn excl. BTW. Meer informatie over incompany of maatwerk Cursus: Red Hat Certified Specialist in Building Resilient Microservices (EX328) - Kiosk exam Vul onderstaand formulier in en je ontvangt meer informatie over de incompany- en maatwerkmogelijkheden van deze cursus. [contact-form-7 404 "Niet gevonden"] Wil je meer informatie ontvangen, een vrijblijvende offerte ontvangen of een brochure van deze cursus downloaden? Vul onderstaande gegevens in en je ontvangt de brochure of informatie binnen één werkdag. Offerte aanvragen Brochure downloaden Informatie aanvragen Soort training Deze cursus op eigen locatieEen maatwerk oplossing Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenIk ga akkoord met de privacy voorwaarden Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenIk ga akkoord met de privacy voorwaarden Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenIk ga akkoord met de privacy voorwaarden Gerelateerde cursussen Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster (DO180) Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster (DO180) – Online Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster (DO180) – (English) Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster (DO180) – Virtual (English) Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster (DO180) – Self Paced Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188) – Self Paced Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Configuring a Production Cluster (DO280) – Self Paced Red Hat OpenShift Developer II: Building Kubernetes Applications (DO288) – (English) Red Hat OpenShift Developer II: Building Kubernetes Applications (DO288) – Self Paced Ervaringen ervaringen verzameld via Lucienne Groenendaal Secretarieel medewerkster "Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid." 9 Ariana Scheepers "De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer." 10 Eric Pos Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort "Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan." 9 Tags: Open SourceLinuxRed HatRijksoverheid Share: Share Share Share Share
Lucienne Groenendaal Secretarieel medewerkster "Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid." 9
Ariana Scheepers "De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer." 10
Eric Pos Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort "Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan." 9