Shell Scripting Fundamentals (English)

Shell Scripting Fundamentals (English)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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    Planning ophalen...
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Linux – UNIX and the shell
Once you grasp the taste of Linux/UNIX systems, the desire will come to do more than just lining up a sequence of commands. Scripting is the next step to go.

The shell is a command interpreter: your personal butler in the system. But it also is a full blown programming language, that allows entirely new commands to be constructed. Therefore, this shell programming language is a key ingredient of this course.

Apart from the shell, two more programmable utility programs will be covered. First the stream editor sed, capable of editing textual data as they flow by in a batch-like data pipe line. Then the programmable report generator awk, that allows for very complex operations on textual data, including the production of well-formatted output reports.

A few more smaller utility programs are part of this course as well.

Course attendees receive the following documentation:

  • A student pack with copies of the presentations, lab exercises, answers to the exercises, and background information.
  • A reference card with frequently used options of most Linux/UNIX commands.
  • Shortly after the course the student will receive a certificate as a proof of participation.

We bieden deze cursus ook in het Nederlands aan, bekijk het hier: Shell Scripting Fundamentals .


  • This course teaches the scripting facilities of the UNIX shells ksh and bash, the batch-editor sed and the report generating language awk.

Target audience

Users of Linux and UNIX systems interested in the shell scripting facilities and the manipulation of text data files


Linux/UNIX Fundamentals (English) of vergelijkbare kennis.
Basic knowledge of the Linux/UNIX user level command repertoire, and some experience in using these commands. Knowledge of the I/O redirection mechanisms, file path naming conventions, and the file name wild card notation. Basic knowledge of the regular expression language.
This prerequisite knowledge can be obtained via our Linux UNIX fundamentals course. Some practice in programming techniques is recommended.


This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. Not covered in this course : Programming with the csh and tcsh shells. Perl and Python programming; using the Perl and/or Python languages could be considered to be "the next step" beyond what this course teaches. However, unlike the shell and awk languages, they are definitely not languages for the novice programmer.


  • Basic concepts: The role of the shell, advanced input/output redirection.
  • Shell programming: Creating script files, parameters, shell variables, command substitution, “here”-documents, control structures, testing and doing computations, various subjects.
  • The programmable filter sed: General functionality, actions, selections, applications.
  • The programmable filter awk: General functionality, variables, actions, functions, selections, arrays, applications.
  • Various utilities: Data compression, bundling files, executing commands regulary or once in the future.

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Shell Scripting Fundamentals (English)

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        Cursus: Shell Scripting Fundamentals (English)



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            Shell Scripting Fundamentals (English)

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