The C programming language (English)

The C programming language (English)

  • Duration

    4 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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The course The C programming language covers one of the most influential programming languages of this time. You’ll learn the syntax of the language and how to use the standard library that is part of the language definition. These topics are, under the guidance of the instructor, trained with practical lab exercises.

Course attendees receive the following documentation:

  • Course attendees receive a student kit containing copies of the presentation, lab exercises, and answers to the exercises.
  • Shortly after the course the student will receive a certificate as a proof of participation.


  • After this course you you’ll be able write C programs on your own or participating with others in larger projects.

Target audience

Programmers planning to write in this language, independent of the intended platform (Linux/UNIX, Windows,…)
Programmers looking for a mastering of the C language as a foundation for a study of the C++ language.


This course assumes basic programming skills to be present already. The emphasis is on the language details.


This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. Not covered during this course: This course is delivered in cooperation with the open source gurus from AT Computing. Basic programming skills. These are covered by our course (Dutch language only): "Leren programmeren met C". Advanced system calls in a Linux environment. These are covered by our course (available in English language): "Linux system programming".


This course covers the syntax of the C language, and the routines of the standard library. Language and library specifications are presented according to the ISO/ANSI-standaard.

  • Topics covered on days 1 and 2:
    • This part of the course provides sufficient prerequisite knowledge for those who want to continue with the C++ programming language.
    • Introduction to C: Function lay out, variables, constants, declarations, prototyping, data types, arrays, operators, control constructs, calling functions and passing arguments, flow of control.
    • Advanced topics: Special operators, storage classes, structures.
    • Compilation and syntax-checking: The compilation process, the preprocessor, include-files.
    • Pointers.
  • Topics covered on days 3 and 4:
    • Printf, scanf, string-manipulation.
    • Typedefs, unions and enums.
    • The standard I/O-library: Buffered I/O, the seekpointer, direct I/O, character I/O, formatted I/O.
    • Standard ISO/ANSI C-libraries: Character-handling, memory-manipulation, string-manipulation, functions for date and time, dynamic memory allocation, linked lists, sorting, conversion functions.
    • Portability: avoidable pitfalls.

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: The C programming language (English)

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