The C++ programming language is based on the C language, with the main difference being that C++ supports object-oriented programming. The object-oriented way of working offers advantages in software projects that are too large to be overseen by a single programmer. The advantages are in terms of code reuse and maintainability.
C++ offers an excellent advancement opportunity for C programmers. The syntax is derived directly from ISO/ANSI C and defined in the ISO/ANSI C++ standard. Apart from the syntax of the language, it also defines a standard library. This contains a large number of basic components, such as a string class, container classes, algorithms and localisation capabilities. The course is based on this standard.
The C++ programming language course covers not only the syntax of the C++ programming language, but also its object-oriented programming style. You will learn to use the object-oriented facilities in the language (data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism/dynamic binding), the I/O library, templates, exception handling and use of the standard STL library. These topics will be extensively practiced, under the tutor’s guidance.