The Python programming language (English)

The Python programming language (English)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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The course The Python programming language covers the essential aspects of programming in Python. In this Python programming course you’ll learn the syntax of the language and how to use the extensive standard Python library. In addition, subjects like programming constructs, data types and object-oriented programming style are addressed. These topics are, under the guidance of the instructor, trained extensively with practical lab exercises.

Are you attending this course? Then you receive the following documentation:

  • A student pack with copies of the presentations, lab exercises and answers to the exercises.
  • The pocket guide Python Pocket Reference (covering both Python 2 and 3).
  • Shortly after this course you will receive a certificate as a proof of participation in this Python course


  • After this course you will soon be able to write complex Python programs, on your own or with others in larger projects.

Target audience

This Python course is meant for experienced programmers who want to learn the syntax and characteristics of the Python programming language.
For people without programming experience, we recommend our five-day course Learn to program in Python.
The full course takes 3 days and can be booked as a whole at a cheaper rate. The first two days of the course can be booked as a separate module for students that only want to prepare for the course Numerical Python.


  • Learn to program in Python (English course) or comparable knowledge.

  • To follow this Python programming course experience is required with other languages. It does not matter whether you have gained experience with a compiled language (like C, Pascal,C++ or Java) or a scripting language (shell, awk). It is especially important that you are able to tackle a task at an algorithmic level.

  • Practical experience with object-oriented language is not necessary, but is certainly a plus.

  • When you have no programming experience whatsoever, we recommend our five-day course Learn to program in Python.


This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing.


  • The subjects for day 1 and 2 of the course:
    • Introduction: Positioning, characteristics, applications, usage, scripting.
    • Elementary data types: Various data types of Python and their properties, expressions and operators, string operations, slices, mutable versus immutable.
    • Program structures: Indentation as block structure, code style (PEP8). Control structures if-elif-else, for-else and while-else. Statements break, continue and pass. Introduction to exception handling (EAFP).
    • Data types (details): Sequences in general. Specific string methods, two alternatives for string-formatting. Specific list methods and list comprehension. Functions sorted, reversed and enumerate.
    • Data types (details): Use of dictionaries, tuples and sets. Related methods for these data types.
    • Files and data encoding: Binary versus text files. Various open modes. Use of stdin, sdtdout and stderr. Unicode and data encoding. Data types bytes and bytearray.
    • Functions: Design of functions, docstrings, passing arguments, return value. Functions as argument. Scope rules. Generator functions. Lambda expressions. Nested functions. Functions map and filter.
    • Modules: Reasons for building modules, the use of modules, creation of modules, test code for modules, docstrings.
  • The subjects for day 3 of the course:
    • Object orientation and classes: OO-terminology, classes in Python, class construction, inheritance, polymorfism, special class methods, operator overloading, inheritance of built-in types.
    • Exceptions: The EAFP motto (Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission), exception classes, catch exceptions, own exception classes. Raise exceptions.
    • Brief overview of Python Standard Library: Fetching command line parameters, program exit. Time functions. Filename globbing. Filesystem tree walk. Using subprocesses. Network facilities. Serialization. Regular expressions (in detail).

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: The Python programming language (English)

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        Cursus: The Python programming language (English)



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