TOGAF® EA Training – Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)

TOGAF® EA Training – Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)

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    5 dagen
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The TOGAF Standard is an open industry standard for developing, maintaining and using enterprise architecture. More than 300 members of The Open Group Architecture Forum develop the TOGAF Framework.

The TOGAF Standard addresses three challenges facing enterprise architecture teams:

  • Developing an enterprise architecture team
  • Developing an enterprise architecture
  • Describing an enterprise architecture

With this intensive five-day course, you will learn all about the TOGAF Standard as a method, with supporting techniques, for developing an Enterprise Architecture (EA). With practical examples we describe the process of acceptance, production, use and maintenance of EA. In the second part of the course you will learn the analysis and application of the TOGAF Standard.
This course will prepare you for the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Part 1 exam and Part 2 exam from The Open Group. After successfully passing the exams, you will be TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture certified at The Open Group. The course is taught by experienced instructors who are themselves practitioners.

The exams
With this course you will receive an examvoucher for the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Part 1 and Part 2 exams. You can schedule the exams at a Pearson Vue Testing Center of your choice.

The Part 1 exam takes 60 minutes to complete. It is a closed book exam consisting of 40 multiple choice questions. You pass if you get 24 out of 40 marks (60% correct).

The Part 2 exam takes 90 minutes. The exam is an open book exam based on a scenario and multiple choice questions. You pass if you obtain 24 out of 40 marks (60% correct).


  • After following TOGAF® 10 Enterprise Architecture Foundation you will understand:
  • The concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard.
  • The key terminology of the TOGAF Standard.
  • The cycle of the Architecture Development Method (ADM), objectives of each phase and how to adapt and use the ADM.
  • The techniques available to support applying the ADM.
  • Application of the ADM, including use of iteration, Architecture partitioning and application in a digital enterprise.
  • How Architecture Governance contributes to architecture development.
  • Architecture content, the output when implementing the ADM.
  • After following this TOGAF® 10 Enterprise Architecture Practitioner you:
  • Understand the context in which an Enterprise Architect operates.
  • Know how to apply the technique of stakeholder management.
  • Can apply the phases of the architecture vision, including the associated techniques.
  • Are able to apply phases B, C and D of the Architecture Development Method (ADM) to develop an architecture along with applicable techniques.
  • Are able to apply ADM phases E, F and G to implement an architecture along with applicable techniques.
  • Know how to implement architecture change management.
  • Know how to manage architecture requirements.
  • Know how to use The Open Group Library.
  • Know how to support ADM work with applicable techniques.
  • Know how to use the Architecture Levels to organize the architecture landscape.
  • Can apply the Architecture Content Framework.


This course is for anyone who wants to learn more about setting up an enterprise application architecture using the TOGAF Standard.


No specific prior knowledge is required for this course, it is helpful if you have knowledge of generic Enterprise Architecture.


  • We provide the course materials digitally.
  • This TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Training Course is being run by Vijfhart in association with Mundo Cognito and is accredited by The Open Group. TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.


  • TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation
    • The concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF standard.
    • The key terminology of the TOGAF standard.
    • The architecture development method (ADM) cycle and the objectives of each phase, and how to adapt and use the ADM.
    • The techniques available to support the application of the ADM.
    • Application of the ADM, including use of iteration, partitioning and application in a digital enterprise.
    • How Architecture Governance contributes to architecture development.
    • Content of the architecture – the output produced during the implementation of the ADM.
  • TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner
    • The context in which an Enterprise Architecture practitioner must operate.
    • Application of stakeholder management.
    • Application of the architecture and development methodology (ADM) .
    • Application of architecture change management.
    • Manage architecture requirements.
    • Using the Open Group Library.
    • Applicable techniques to support ADM work.
    • Architecture levels to organize the architecture landscape
    • The Architecture Content Framework

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Cursus: TOGAF® EA Training - Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)

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        Lucienne Groenendaal

        Secretarieel medewerkster

        "Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid."


        Ariana Scheepers

        "De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer."


        Eric Pos

        Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort

        "Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan."

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        Cursus: TOGAF® EA Training - Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)



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          Cursus: TOGAF® EA Training - Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)

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            TOGAF® EA Training - Foundation and Practitioner combined (with exam vouchers) (English)

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