The C++ Programming Language (English) Save as favorite Share this page Print Duration 4 dagen Price € 3185,- 8,9 Reviews 1000+ reviews Schedule Planning ophalen... Enroll More information Download brochure The C++ programming language is based on the C language, with the main difference being that C++ supports object-oriented programming. The object-oriented way of working offers advantages in software projects that are too large to be overseen by a single programmer. The advantages are in terms of code reuse and maintainability. C++ offers an excellent advancement opportunity for C programmers. The syntax is derived directly from ISO/ANSI C and defined in the ISO/ANSI C++ standard. Apart from the syntax of the language, it also defines a standard library. This contains a large number of basic components, such as a string class, container classes, algorithms and localisation capabilities. The course is based on this standard. The C++ programming language course covers not only the syntax of the C++ programming language, but also its object-oriented programming style. You will learn to use the object-oriented facilities in the language (data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism/dynamic binding), the I/O library, templates, exception handling and use of the standard STL library. These topics will be extensively practiced, under the tutor’s guidance. Objectives The course provides an insight into the capabilities of C++. The emphasis is on the syntax of the language, but after the course you will also have developed a feel for the object-oriented programming style. Target audience Programmers who want to start using C++ as an object-oriented programming language. Requirements De programmeertaal C of vergelijkbare kennis.Knowledge of C with sufficient practical experience to be fluent in the “more difficult” constructions such as pointers, structures, and so on. You can obtain this knowledge from the course “The C programming language” The material from days 1 and 2 of that course is sufficient, but gaining practical experience with it is absolutely necessary before starting C++. Particularities This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. The spoken language during the training is English, unless all course participants are Dutch-speaking and prefer training in Dutch. Persoonlijk advies? Lucas Ditvoorst senior accountmanager T. 088 542 78 53 E. Topics The class and related Inline functions instead of macros Function overloading Constructors and destructors Initialisation Friend functions Allocation methods Deep versus shallow copy and namespaces Inheritance When to use inheritance Base and derived classes Private Protected and public member variables Protected interfaces Pointers to base and derived classes Dynamic binding Run Time Type Information (RTTI) Virtual functions Further possibilities of C++ Operator overloading References Type conversion Memory management with new and delete Templates Exception handling and namespaces The Standard Template Library (STL) Other parts of the standard library, including the I/O library Important aspects of the new C++11 and C++14 standards. Schedule & Price * * This course event is guaranteed to run. *Een cursus met valt onder de actie Summer Academy. All prices are exclusive of VAT. Meer informatie over incompany of maatwerk Cursus: The C++ Programming Language (English) Vul onderstaand formulier in en je ontvangt meer informatie over de incompany- en maatwerkmogelijkheden van deze cursus. [contact-form-7 404 "Niet gevonden"] We are happy to help you. Please fill in the request form below and you will receive the requested information as soon as possible. Request quote Download brochure Request information Type of training Group training at the location of your choiceCustomized training to meet your specific goals Agree to follow-up and privacy conditionsI accept the privacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Related courses De cursus Leren programmeren in Python De cursus Introductie in Python – Mogelijkheden en Code Begrijpen De cursus Programmeren in C# (55339) De cursus Advanced Python De cursus De cursus Java 17 Programming Language – Part 2 (English) De cursus Learn to program in Python (English) De cursus De programmeertaal Python – voor ervaren programmeurs De cursus Java 17 Programming Language – Part 1 (English) De cursus Introduction to Python – Possibilities and Understanding Code (English) Tags: EnglishAT computingSoftware DevelopmentApplicatieontwikkelingC++Online cursusProgrammerenVirtuele training Share: Share Share Share Share